Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Time for a step up the steep learning curve

I learned how to create new additions to this blog other than via the 'comments' route.

I spent a fair amount of time yesterday trying to learn Karin's phone number in Berlin so I could call her and ask if she has a computer and is online. I'm pretty sure she has a computer because my sister mailed me a letter she'd gotten from Karin and it's pretty evident that she has a computer and knows how to use it. The image of 3 generations of ladies in my life you see above that was printed near the bottom of the 2nd page of that letter.

Surprisingly, Google was no help at all in finding a phone directory for Berlin. So I went to a large forum-based site that has many people from around the world contributing to a dizzying array of subject discussions. The site I went to for help I know as: Fazed

Then I logged in and clicked on 'Active Discussions" and posted my question.
In less than 3 minutes my answer was waiting for me.

I tried Karin's name and address first, but that failed. Then I tried using her husband's name, and, viola! Success!

By the time I had her phone number, looked up an online map of Berlin, checked the weather in Berlin and checked on the time in Berlin, it was around 7:15AM Berlin time that I made the call.

I surprised myself when a male voice answered and I didn't stumble miserably with my rusty, unused, dubious command of the German language. I learned that Karin was visiting a cousin in America. Sadly, my utopia was short-lived. I looked up the cousin's phone number and totally forgot what time it is here! My mental clock was still in the Berlin time zone. The realization hit when the cousin's answering machine came on. I quickly hung up, shook my head and rolled my eyes for being such a dumbass.

The cousin lives 1 time zone East of me, so I'll wait until about 8PM there to try the call again.
I'm hoping her cousin has a computer and is online so I'll easily be able to direct Karin [and her cousin looking over her shoulder] to this blog via a quick email. But even if the cousin has no computer this might be a good time to mention a handy, online utility known as: Tinyurl

Using that utility enables me to reduce the URL to this blog from 52 characters down to 25.

I'm really hoping Karin has an online computer because this blog service will allow me to add authors, and I think it'd be great if Karin would add more dimensions to it.

It's about time to make a phone call, so I'm going to hit the 'Publish Post' button now.


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